Natural Gift
Are you dreaming about houseplants and think about sustainability? Then you think of Elstgeest potted plants. Because we are aware of the world around us, we interact with it every day. That is why we are at the forefront of sustainability.
Did you know that all our production processes are certified and meet the applicable sustainability and environmental requirements?
And we use as few plant protection products as possible.
We also recycle just about everything. Such as water, cardboard, iron and green waste. And we consistently reduce the use of plastic. Making environmental improvements is a never-ending process for us. We move forward and we innovate as much as we can.
Natural Gift is a new consumer label and it is our most environmentally friendly product line. Natural Gift stands for a cleaner world and for an exclusive range of the very best plant quality.

WHY Natural Gift?

Because with Natural Gift we say goodbye to the plastic plant cover. That is much better for the environment. Because with Natural Gift we also say goodbye to the plastic tray. The tray is made of cardboard, which is also much better for the environment. The labels are Stone Paper, made from quarry waste. Stone Paper is wood-free (no tree felling required) and is recyclable. It is produced without chemicals and bleaching. The plug of the label is made of bamboo, purely natural without further pre-treatment. And then the cultivation pot: it is organic. You simply put your plant in a nice decorative pot at home and nature does the rest!
3 Natural Gift varieties
• Dieffenbachia Green Magic • Dieffenbachia Sublime • Dieffenbachia Summer Style

Natural Gift is beautiful
Natural Gift collection has Dieffenbachias with the most beautiful leaf markings. Such as the Green Magic, the Summer Style and the Dieffenbachia Sublime. They are beautiful, strong plants. Unique specials, produced in the most environmentally friendly way and of the very best quality. Piece by piece available in pot size 12 cm.

air purifying
Plants increase the humidity indoors and reduce the presence of dust, giving us 30% less chance of getting a cold and/or an infection.
The Dieffenbachia Natural Gift takes it another step further than many other plants. The Dieffenbachia not only supplies oxygen but also cleans the air of harmful substances. NASA concluded this after 25 years of scientific plant research. The Dieffenbachia Natural Gift filters out, among other things, Formaldehyde and Toluene.
Dieffenbachia’s are air-purifying, oxygen-producing and beautiful interior accessories that we need to keep our indoor climate clean and healthy. By purchasing it, you will doing giving yourself, your health and your interior a good service.

easy to care for Natural Gift plants
Standing place
The Dieffenbachia Natural Gift is only picky when it comes to its location. This cool green plant needs light in order to grow, but is not fond of direct sunlight. Put him in a light place where the sun does not shine directly on its leaves: in front of a window on the north side of your home/office is ideal.
Also make sure it is not directly placed in a draught, he does not like that. The last requirement this green friend has for its home is that it should not get colder than 15 degrees.
The Dieffenbachia Natural Gift does not require much care. In the summer, watering once a week should be sufficient. In winter you can even halve that. If it is close to a radiator, you will have to give water more often in the winter.
Due to its large leaves, it is important that the soil in which it stands remains slightly moist. However, the Dieffenbachia does not love wet feet, so a layer of water at the bottom of the pot is not appreciated.
Lukewarm shower
What the Dieffenbachia will appreciate is a sprinkling or a lukewarm shower from time to time. That reminds him of the Amazon rainforest he came from long ago.
The Dieffenbachia does not really require additional nourishment. If you want to spoil it, it may be good to give it plant nutrition in the summer. This will not be appreciated in the winter, as it will be in relaxation mode.
It’s good for the Dieffenbachia to be repotted into a bigger pot with fresh soil once every 2 years. Preferably in the spring. Make sure to wear gloves for safety. The juice of the Dieffenbachia leaf can cause skin irritation. Therefore, you should make sure that children and pets are unable to pull leaves from the plant.
The sustainably produced plant concepts from Elstgeest Potplanten respond to the latest green, living and lifestyle trends.
We offer a wide range of air purifying plants of the very best quality under various consumer labels.
Well-known examples are the Purify Dieffenbachias and the hanging plants from Hang-On-Green.
There are also the Earth Orchids, our unsurpassed Ludisias (earth orchids).
And now there is also ‘Natural Gift’ concept.
You can find our potted plants at more and more florists and garden centers.
• Dieffenbachia Green Magic
• Dieffenbachia Sublime
• Dieffenbachia Summer Style
Elstgeest Potplanten B.V.
Bovenweg 1
2376 BE Nieuwe Wetering
The Netherlands
T +31 71 331 3318